Sunday, June 19, 2011

AKC Junior Hunt Test (Successful)

(Happy Father's Day Dad)

Well Tuvuk has successfully completed a weekend of tests. I entered him into the Junior Hunt test this weekend which involved 2days worth of trials. He passed on Saturday and Sunday which brings him closer to having a title. Just for people who are unfamiliar with the process Tuvuk has to successfully pass 4 test in the AKC and 4 passes in UKC. He currently has 2 in each. The UKC is called a Started Retriever and the AKC is called a Junior Hunter. I will be traveling to Anchorage July 17-18 for another AKC test and then up to Fairbanks on July 23-24 for UKC. If he successfully passes these trials he will have a title in both divisions. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuvuk's Sunday Trial 2nd Pass

This is the video from the 2nd UKC Started hunt test that was on Sunday.  We have another test coming up on June 17th in Fairbanks.  This test will be an AKC Junior Hunter Hunt Test.  We will be try and video some training that will be preparing us for this test.  The AKC tests are a bit different but it is mainly just the distance in the retrieves.  Hope you enjoy the video.    

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tig's Water Series

Here is Tig's Water Series from the UKC Seasoned Hunt Test.  This test included a Double Mark, Blind Retrieve, and a Diversion Bird.  I will post Tuvuk's Sunday test in a few days.  Hope you enjoy the more advanced test that Tig had to run.