Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tuvuk's First Swim

Today we took Tuvuk out to Big Lake and he was able to swim for the first time.  The temperature was about 25 degrees, which is really cold for introducing a dog to water.  As I have mentioned before, we do not have a choice, due to not having open water until June in Nome.  He was a little leery at first but toward the end of the video you will see that he was all about it.  I did not concentrate on obedience because I wanted him just to have fun and enjoy getting in the water.  I used the glasses again and it turned out pretty well.  If you have any questions or comments don't forget about the Q&A section I have posted to the blog.  

1 comment:

  1. Love it! However, he needs a doggy wet suit when it is 25 outside!
