Monday, August 29, 2011

Tuvuk's First Hunt 2011

If you would like to see the full screen video you can search it on YouTube.  
This was Tuvuk's first hunt and it was a great one.  As you can see I am not shooting most of this hunt so I can work on having complete control.  This is tough for some hunters, but it is a must when training a dog.  He definitely has some areas that we will continue to work on, but I was very pleased with his first day.  It will be interesting to see him progress through the season and you could even see the light bulbs coming on throughout the hunt.   The first group that came in overwhelmed him a bit, but by the end of the day he was spotting birds before I would even see them.  Hope you enjoy the video and I will keep you updated on his progress.  Thanks to the shooters Tony and Simon for knocking some birds down. Great Job Guys!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Double T Training


Here is an image of what the Double T should look like.  This video demonstrates our training on this drill after 2 sessions.  The first session you want to start will be to establish the straight line location at the end of the T.  As you progress each leg of the Double T will have a pile of bumpers.  You want to make sure that your dog understands and runs each drill precisely before moving to the next section.  We had a very heavy wind during the video so I had to do a voiceover.  Sorry if it is a little boring, but this video will show you the progression of this drill.  I will try and post multiple videos as Tuvuk progresses on this drill.  We will probably be working this drill for a 2 week period about 4-5 times per week.  Tuvuk had a little tough time with sitting immediately on the whistle before casting to the pile I wanted.  I will incorporate a 30 ft lead to fix this slight problem  Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

AKC Junior Title

Tuvuk and I traveled down to Turnagin Pass this past weekend to attend an AKC Hunt Test. This was his last 2 test needed to obtain his Junior Hunter Title. He passed both Saturday and Sunday. I then travel down to Kenai for some Red and Kings salmon fishing. I shipped Tuvuk up to Fairbanks where we have a UKC Hunt Test this weekend. If he passes both days he will also have his Started Title with the UKC. Stay tuned and I will try to get some pics and more video posted.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

AKC Hunt Test this Weekend

Well we are done in Anchorage for another test. If all goes well Saturday and Sunday Tuvuk will have his Junior Hunting Title. I am also headed to the Kenai to fish this week. We will then be headed to Fairbanks for a UKC Hunt Test. Very busy week ahead, but we will also have some great time off. I will post information as I can.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

AKC Junior Hunt Test (Successful)

(Happy Father's Day Dad)

Well Tuvuk has successfully completed a weekend of tests. I entered him into the Junior Hunt test this weekend which involved 2days worth of trials. He passed on Saturday and Sunday which brings him closer to having a title. Just for people who are unfamiliar with the process Tuvuk has to successfully pass 4 test in the AKC and 4 passes in UKC. He currently has 2 in each. The UKC is called a Started Retriever and the AKC is called a Junior Hunter. I will be traveling to Anchorage July 17-18 for another AKC test and then up to Fairbanks on July 23-24 for UKC. If he successfully passes these trials he will have a title in both divisions. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuvuk's Sunday Trial 2nd Pass

This is the video from the 2nd UKC Started hunt test that was on Sunday.  We have another test coming up on June 17th in Fairbanks.  This test will be an AKC Junior Hunter Hunt Test.  We will be try and video some training that will be preparing us for this test.  The AKC tests are a bit different but it is mainly just the distance in the retrieves.  Hope you enjoy the video.    

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tig's Water Series

Here is Tig's Water Series from the UKC Seasoned Hunt Test.  This test included a Double Mark, Blind Retrieve, and a Diversion Bird.  I will post Tuvuk's Sunday test in a few days.  Hope you enjoy the more advanced test that Tig had to run.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tig's Seasoned Land Test

This video was made Saturday when I was a handler for my mother and father-in-laws dog Tig.  I was able to work with her as a pup on obedience training, but since she has been trained by Aliy.  I usually ship Tig out once or twice a season to hunt with me and she has turned into one heck of a dog.  She is running the Seasoned Trials this weekend and she successfully passed both days.  She needs one more pass to receive her Seasoned Title and start competing in the Finished Hunt Test.  This will also give you a look at many things that I will be working Tuvuk on in the next few months.  I will post Tig's water test in a few days.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tuvuk's Video From Saturday

This is the test that was ran on Saturday for the Started Dogs.  In this stage of training you are looking for your dog to be able to Mark a single bird.  Once they are sent out for the bird the process of hunting it up is encouraged to teach the dog to use their nose.  Once found the dog is required to deliver the bird to hand. I know that this does not look like a very tough challenge, but when you bring a 9 month old dog (youngest in this category) to a place that is completely foreign it can be a challenge.  If you think about it Tuvuk has never even hunted around trees or cattails.  It is pretty funny on the very first run that if you watch Tuvuk he is a little freaked out by the guys that are manning the thrower station.  We normally train with visible throwers, but in this test the bird throwers are hidden behind blinds.  I will post the trial that I handled Tig on ASAP.  This will show you what we will be working for over the next 3-4 months with Tuvuk.

Successful Weekend

Well we have finished our first weekend of hunt tests.  Tuvuk and Tig both pasted their tests and moved further towards getting their titles.  Tuvuk will need to pass 2 more UKC test, which I will be running in August.  Our next trail is scheduled for June 17th which is an AKC Junior Hunter trial.  These two test are a little different.  Tig will need to pass only 1 more Seasoned Hunt Test to receive her title.  Aliy was the handler for Tig today and she had a great run.  Congrats to both dogs for receiving their passes.

Tuvuk's First Hunt Test


Well today was the big day for Tuvuk.  To start we had to fly from Nome to Fairbanks on Thursday night. Once we arrived we had all day Friday to do some last minute work before the test on Saturday.  I was also going to be in charge of running Tig which is Aliy Zirkle's labrador retriever.  I will briefly explain the types of test that we were running and what had to be achieved to receive a pass.  I will first start with Tuvuk's test.

This test is called a UKC Started Hunt test.  It involves having to retrieve 2 single birds on dry land and 2 single birds in the water. I will post videos when I have a little more time to edit them.  He had to pass both segments today to get his first full pass.  To get his started title he will have to achieve 4 passes.  This weekend he has a chance of achieving 2 of these.  

Tig is in what is called the UKC Seasoned Hunt Test.  Tig is about 2.5 years old.  This involves again a dry land test and a water test.  On the land she has to mark and retreive a double mark, a blind, and a walk up bird.  There are also many small metrics that I will not go into right now that can fail a dog in this type of test.  I know that this may be a little foreign terminology for you but I will also try and post a video of Tig's test.  For the Seasoned Test you have to pass 4 times before you receive the Seasoned Title.  Tig now has 2 passes and will be going for her 3rd tomorrow.  I have had the privelage of helping in the early stages of her training on mainly obedience.  Aliy has done a great job with her since starting these test.  We have also shipped Tig out to Nome for several hunts with me in the past 2 years. She is a great dog and I love getting the chance to work her in a competition.  

Just so you know Tuvuk is on the lefthand side of the picture and Tig is on the right.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Finally Water in Nome

Well it has been a long winter here in Nome.  We finally have water that Tuvuk can start working on water retrieves.  This video is only his second time introduced into the water.  He has really picked up on it quick, and he does not hesitate a bit.  We are doing some final preparations for his first hunt test which will be on May 28th and 29th.  I will try and video his hunt test and post to the blog.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wagon Wheel Drill

I wanted to show you a drill that concentrates on how to ensure your dog runs straight lines.  This is the first time I have done this drill with Tuvuk.  I wanted to keep it simple but also challenge him with multiple decisions.  Another great lesson this drill teaches is for the dog to rely on you for direction.  This drill will also help start a trust relationship between you and your dog.  You can tell by the end of the video Tuvuk was moving very well between positions when I was lining him up for the next retrieve. Also be very careful of habits and sending the dog immediately when you say mark.  They will pick up on this and then start anticipating your release command.  If you have any questions just let me know.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Intro to Force Fetching Re-look

I recently had a buddy from college call me about dog training.  He wanted me to repost another video showing how to start a dog on force fetching.  I have done another video on this which I hope will help.  Just keep in mind that when you start a dog on this take it easy and slow if need be.  As soon as you get a good response give the release command and praise, praise, praise.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Force Fetching to a Pile

Well I am finally back in the video mode again.  After a very successful Iditarod I have been able to return to get some footage.  I have continued to train Tuvuk throughout the race, but was not able to video much. In this video I am concentrating on teaching Tuvuk how to retrieve a bumper from a pile and return quickly.  I am using a Dogtra 3500 to apply the pressure needed to get a quick response.  Again this is only used to teach Tuvuk how to get the pressure to turn off.  If you keep this in mind you will not see any hesitation from the pressure.  I apply the pressure as soon as I give the command on this drill and then it is released when he returns to heel.  This drill will allow us to stretch Tuvuk out to 150-200 yard piles very soon.  This teaches the dog to run straight lines and also builds confidence that there is a bird out there if you send them.  Hope you enjoy the video.  If there are questions with areas that you would like me to refocus on for your training needs feel free to let me know.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Iditarod Start 2011

Well this is a little different dog training post.  This weekend is the Start of the 2011 Iditarod.  I flew in to Anchorage on Thursday night and have been assisting Aliy and Allen as a dog handler for this years race.  If you do not know much about the race I would encourage you to follow the race.  It is a very exciting time for our family and it is amazing how many fans and sponsors the kennel is privileged to have.  For further coverage you can click on the SP Kennel's weblink in my pages section or visit  I have not been able to post any new training videos, but hopefully I will be able to get back into the swing of things next week.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuvuk's Pedigree

For all you Genetic Buff's out there here is Tuvuk's Pedigree.  The link provided below shows a more detailed version with his parents and grandparents UKC titles received.  The certificate below will just show the titles received from the AKC hunt tests.  Also the link below will allow you to view 5 generations that Tuvuk is made up of.  I think it is very interesting to know where your dog comes from, and the potential that they may have due to years worth of breeding.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Retrieving to a Pile

This drill is used to get some distance on your pup.  At this point most of the retrieves that Tuvuk makes in a training session has been between 30-40 yards.  With this drill we start to implement running straight lines and longer distances.  One thing that I noticed while editing this video is the need for a drill prior to running to a pile.  As a trainer you make mistakes and this was one that will be corrected in our next training session.  The drill that should be done before this would be to put a pile of bumpers out about 10 yards and have Tuvuk on a leash.  He is now force fetch trained and I will use this training to have him fetch a single bumper from the pile and immediately return to me.  You will see him in this video playing what I call "Picking the basket."  This means that he is picking a bumper up and then dropping it to pick up another. You do not want this to become a habit so I will post that drill in the next video.

Blizzard in Nome

Well we didn't name our kennel Arctic Kennel and Adventures for no reason.  This video just shows you the challenges we face trying to train a dog for competition this summer.  I have not been able to even work Tuvuk outside this week due to our crazy weather we have had the past several days.  I thought I would just post this video for those of you who are following the blog thinking "Why haven't there been any video lately?"  Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Walking Force Fetch

In this video you will see how we have continued our force fetch training.  Since my last video I have not had a chance to take Tuvuk outside due to really cold temperatures for the past 2 weeks of anywhere from
-15 to -30 degrees.  We are scheduled for a bad blizzard starting tonight "which has begun".  What this video does not show you is how I have continued training with the E-Collar while working force fetch.  The object of this pressure training is to make sure and not use this as a discipline tool, but instead as a tool that allows Tuvuk to understand how to turn the pressure off.  I can't express how important it is to start your dog out using this collar properly.  I have seen trainers and owners ruin a dog with a E-Collar by using it in the wrong context.  Again the object of Force Fetching is for Tuvuk to fetch on command without hesitation.  This will help out greatly when we continue on into advanced training sessions.  I am very pleased at the progress he has made over the past 2-3 weeks, even with the challenges we face in the North.  I can't wait for you to see him in his first hunt test this summer.  We have a ton of work between now and then, but he has done a great job up till now.  Again I hope you enjoy the video!  Please comment if you have any questions about the training we have done so far.  Yes at the end of the video my blinker on my truck was turned on by a mysterious dog that was in the truck.  "Kiera"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Force Fetching Intro

This video will show the very start of how to force fetch a retriever.  I know that you have heard me mention this concept several times over the past few months, but now you will get to see it in action.  For the people who may not understand this drill, we force fetch a dog so that once competition and field trials begin the dog learns how to fetch on command.  In a hunt test or field trial the dog is required to deliver the bird to the handlers hand.  Many of you have probably seen a dog exit the water and immediately drop the bird at the shoreline.  This command will teach the dog that when I say "Fetch" they will pick the bird back up immediately.  If a dog is not force fetched you have a very high risk of failure to deliver the bird/bumper to the handler in an acceptable manner.  If a dog drops the bird/bumper at the handlers feet and does not complete the retrieve they will be deducted points or failed for that test.  There are many ways to force fetch a dog but this method seems to be my favorite.  One thing that I do not have here is a table that is normally used to set the dog on, so they cannot get out of the pressure very easily.  We usually would attach a leash to the dog and then to a bar or post above the dog so that they cannot lay-down or get away from the drill.  Tuvuk has only done this drill twice and you will see the progress we have made.  It normally takes about 3-5 sessions for the dog to learn how to get away from the pressure, and how this is done is by getting the bumper in his mouth.  Hope you enjoy!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Retrieving Doubles

Today I took Tuvuk out to work on the introduction to doubles.   I mainly want him to start learning the concept of lining up for the retrieve by my body position.  This is one of the first steps in teaching a blind retrieve.  I want him to learn that he should run the line that my bodies position is in.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pressure Training Intro

This is a video on the introduction of the E-Collar.  Always remember that when you introduce a dog to the E-Collar, you know 100% that the dog knows the commands you are asking of him.  Also I have been placing an E-Collar on him for the past 3-4 weeks with no stimulation being applied during training sessions.  In order to get the best results, introduce this pressure with an up-beat attitude, and make this a somewhat enjoyable training session.  This video has been cut down to just show how to apply pressure.  I did not have enough time in the video to keep the parts when Tuvuk was just doing the commands without pressure.  I wanted you mainly to see how he reacted to the pressure when it was applied.  I know the video is not the best, but it is hard to get this training on video with a hand held camera.  I am using the video glasses so I hope you don't get too dizzy.  Toward the end, YouTube seems to have distorted the video, but I hope at least you get the drift.  A couple things I did not show in the video was before and after the training session, I threw several fun-bumpers to keep Tuvuk's attitude positive.  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Tough Day for Training

Well we went on a drive out of town to work Tuvuk, but the wind was blowing about 25 mph today.  It was much warmer with Temps around 25-30 above.  We finally decided just to go back into town and work him in the parking lot that you have seen in previous videos.  I mainly worked Tuvuk on obedience and bringing the bumper back to the finishing position.  We did not take any video due to the wind and lighting, but we managed to get a couple good pictures.  

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Leather Glove Training

In this video I show you how to use the leather glove drill.  This drill is very good for introducing the following.  
1.) Learn how to hold birds.
2.) Gain confidence in what you are asking of them.
3.) Encourage having a soft mouth.
4.) Lead up to future drills for force-fetching.
Sorry for the offset of the camera.  I wanted to capture more of Tuvuk but I did not realize that it was set off to the side a little.  I will work on this in the future.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Training the Command "Hold"

This video will show you how to start working the command "Hold".  This is a basic command that you will teach your dog before any force fetching is started.  This will make the third session of working this drill with Tuvuk.  He has picked up on this very well.  In upcoming sessions we will phase out the wooden dowel and transfer over to the Avery Training Bumper (ATB).  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Training the Mind

Well when it is -25 to -30 degrees outside there are other ways that we can train our dogs.  I will not explain much about this video, but you will be able to figure it out yourself.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Continued Obedience Training

This video illustrates basic obedience training where we work on getting more of an immediate response to the commands.  I want to make sure Tuvuk knows all the commands very well before we start introducing him to "pressure".  This is done by using an E-Collar which will come in future training sessions.  The collar will basically replace the choke chain, which currently is providing some pressure in the training we are doing.  You will be able to see in a few weeks how introducing a pup to the E-Collar will provide a more immediate response to the commands.  Hope you enjoy this video.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Old Man!!!

This video was taken yesterday just to let everyone see the old man still has it.  Remington is now 11 years old, but still has the heart that he did when he was Tuvuk's age.  As the saying goes, "They don't quit playing because they get old, they get old because they quit playing."  He is still in pretty good shape for his age and we do plan on hunting him this spring some.  Just to let you know what we are doing here the bumpers were thrown in line with each other, and Remington was taught to retrieve the furthest one first.  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gun Work

Today was a beautiful day in Nome.  It was about 10 degrees and very light wind so we took advantage of this time and worked Tuvuk again with a gun.  In this video Bridgett was our shooter.  We mainly focused on single retrieves and working the gun closer.  The video was interupted after Tuvuk knocked over the tripod and the camera ended up in the snow.  By the end of the session Bridgett was able to shoot the gun right next to me and this did not phase Tuvuk.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Couch Potato

Well this week has been a challenging one.  I was finally able to get caught up at work and school started back this week.  I am sorry for not posting any videos, but I am going to try and get some this weekend.  We have been training Tuvuk at night after work, but getting video in these conditions can be a challenge.  I plan on taking Tuvuk out tomorrow during the day and hopefully get some video to post to the blog.  I did catch some good couch time this week with my two boys.  The old man in the video for the people who may not know is Remington.  He has been my hunting buddy for 11 years now and deserves every minute of couch time that he wants.  Hope you enjoy the video.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Training Tuvuk for Future Drills

I have started working Tuvuk positioning him for future training drills.  I will be working on this for the next couple of weeks getting him in this position.  You will see in the video what I am talking about.  The position is basically sitting in front of me once I give him the HERE command.  From this position we will eventually start working the HOLD command, Force Fetch, Casting, and Bird Delivery.  For people not familiar with these terms I will break down the definition for you.

Here:  This is the command for the dog to come one he/she has retrieved the bumper.

Hold:  This is the command for the dog to not release the bumper/bird until commanded to do so.

Force Fetch:  This is a drill that we will demand the dog to fetch the bumper on command no matter
                              where the bumper is laying.  This is a "must" if you are planning on running your dog
                              in any trial situation.  You will see lots of video once this training has begun.

Casting:  This is a drill that we will do in order to teach Tuvuk directions.  I will have him in the
                     position you will see in the video and then throw the bumper to the left and give the over
                     command left and right and then the back command.

Bird Delivery:  This is also the position that Tuvuk will hold the bird and deliver to my hand when the        
                         release command DROP is given.              

I tried to do another video today but it was dark and the video glasses did not capture the lighting that I needed.  It will be challenging to get good video for the next couple of months due to the long hours of dark we have right now.  I will try and capture video on the weekends and you updated on the training routine.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Copper Basin 300 Sled Dog Race

Bridgett is running the Copper Basin 300 sled dog race this weekend.  There are 3 SP Kennel Teams in this race.  If you would like to follow the race please visit  They also  have gps trackers on the mushers this year so you can even see what speed and the location they are traveling.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

This is the last video that was taken while on my travels down in Arkansas.  This video was taken at my buddy's camp in Stuttgart AR.  In this video we continued concentration on single marks and the introduction of running straight lines.  You will also see where Tuvuk wanted to break before the release command was given, and this video will show you how to deal with this issue for a young pup.  Tuvuk and I are heading back north right now and I am making this post from Chicago.  As always we had some wonderful travel problems and Tuvuk had to be put on a plane to Dallas and then meet me in Seattle.  When we arrived at the Airport the airline company that he flew down here on from Chicago to Memphis told me that they do not allow pets to fly on their airline.  So I talked with American Airlines and booked him as a cargo shipment to Seattle, where I will pick him up and then re-check him onto Alaska Airlines.  This will just add another city that Tuvuk gets to visit in his travels.  Hope you enjoy the video. I encourage everyone to make comments to let me know if you have questions that I may be able to answer.  

Friday, January 7, 2011

Stuttgart Arkansas

In the past few weeks Tuvuk and I have been well traveled.  After arriving in Arkansas we traveled to Kentucky and then down to South Arkansas, to hunt with some good friends from college.  Tyler Rogers who was the best man at my wedding, has a duck camp just south of Stuttgart AR, which is the duck hunting capital of the world "so they say".  We had a great time killing birds and hanging out with friends.  I took this opportunity to work Tuvuk on maintaining straight lines. He worked in the timber for the first time.  It amazes me how smart and well bred a dog can be.  It is hard for viewers to understand that I have only had this dog about 4 weeks and almost everything you will see in the video, Tuvuk has never seen or done.  I hope you enjoy the video.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tuvuk's First Swim

Today we took Tuvuk out to Big Lake and he was able to swim for the first time.  The temperature was about 25 degrees, which is really cold for introducing a dog to water.  As I have mentioned before, we do not have a choice, due to not having open water until June in Nome.  He was a little leery at first but toward the end of the video you will see that he was all about it.  I did not concentrate on obedience because I wanted him just to have fun and enjoy getting in the water.  I used the glasses again and it turned out pretty well.  If you have any questions or comments don't forget about the Q&A section I have posted to the blog.